Homer Abernathy
Jeffrey H. Alexander
Prioleau Alexander
All Saints Episcopal Church, Gastonia, NC
Donna Kay Altieri
Chip Anderson
Judy Anderson
David Ashley
Gwen Ashley
Mason Ayers
Ed Baker
Carol Ann Baker
Mary Ester Baker
Dale Baldwin
Ella Baldwin
Robert T. Barr, Jr.
Paul Bashon
Sara Bashon
Anne Beasley
Gerry Bebber
Irene Bebber
Phillip Bebber
Joan Bell
Michael Bell
Bill Bishop
Julia Bishop
Ann Bowles
John Bowles
Al Brame
Frances Brame
Mimi Brandt
Pete Brandt
Diana Brant
Henry Brant
Garrett Briggs
Sue Briggs
Daniel Bruce
Becky Burgess
Wayne Burgess
Sandra K. Bussell
William C. Bussell
Harvey Byrd
Rebecca Byrd
Maggie Callen
Linda Cannon
William H. Cannon
Lee Hood Capps
Ellen T. Chance
J. Kenneth Chance
Cathy Chefas
John Chefas
Chevrolet Classic Car Club (Carolina Crossroads Chapter)
Allie Church
Jackson Church
Robin H. Cochran
Harry Corpening
Suzie Corpening
Wendy Crowe
Josephine Cox
Leland Cox
Priscilla Cox
Carol Crewey
Larry Crewey
Elynor G. Davis
Jane Davis
John H. Davis, Jr.
Dr. Walter Davis
Carol Day
Donald Day
Jerrie Dearborn
Ralph Dearborn
Hope S. Derby
Elizabeth K. Dickson in memory of Hank Reintges
John A. Dixon
Susan C. Dixon
Jeff Dreyer
Linda Dreyer
Duke Energy Foundation
Sutton Edmondson
Wanda Edmondson
Phyllis Efford
Tom Efford
Jody Frank Web Services
Pat Franklin
Margaret Federkiewicz
Victor Federkiewicz
Don Frazier
JoAnn Frazier
Jake Garman
William R. Garrard, Jr.
Shane Gillenwater
Elizabeth Guinnett
Gene Hafer
Holly Hafer
Aiden Hamilton
Brandon Hamilton
Cabot Hamilton
George Hamilton IV
Kate Hamilton
Teri Hamilton
William Hamilton
Dorothy Hansen
Stephanie Harris
George Hayworth
Martha Hayworth
John Heckscher
Katharine Heckscher
Patricia Hellard
Wayne Henderson
Josephine Hennelly
Bebe Hennessy
Cindy Herman
David Herman
Mike Herman
Rhonda Herman
Edie Herndon
Karen S. Higgins
Laurie Holloway
Jonah Horton
Lawrence P. Houston, Jr.
Sandra T. Houston
Anita Chauvin-Hurst
Ed Hurst
Irby Hutchins
Roy Hutchins
Angela Hutson
Earl Inge
Chloe Jennings
Barbara Johnson
Clint Johnson
David E. Johnson
Don Johnson
Jane Johnson
Kathy Johnson
Ken Johnson
Virginia Johnson
Sarah Joyce
Junior Appalachian Musicians
Debra Kaylor
Liz Kellam
Carol Kennedy
Craig Kennedy
Joyce Kilby
George L. Knight
June M. Knight
Ladies Sunday School Class #3, Calvary Baptist, Mt. Airy
Donna Lamm
Ed Lamm
Frederick L. Lamphere
Lydia Lamphere
Steve Lewis
Beatrice T. Lockwood
John J. Lockwood
Don Long
Shirley Long
Grady Lonon
Jane Lonon
Jane Maddocks
John Maddocks
Tony Mastorio
Gail Mavromatis
John Mavromatis
Julia Grace May
Bob McCloskey
Kay McCloskey
Lee Q. McMillan
Miranda Miles
Betsy Miller
Chuck Miller
Brandy Miller
Rev. Stephen Miller
Susan Miller
Wanda Miller
Patricia Mills
Charles A. Mitchell
Judith H. Mitchell
Pat Mitchell
Jack Moncrief
Pat Moncrief
Thomas A. Moore
Diann Murphy
Lloyd Murphy
Charles B. Neely, Jr.
Marlene Norwood
John O'Connell
Marianne O'Neill
Robert S. O'Neill
Shirley J. Padgett
William C. Padgett
Parish of the Holy Communion - Episcopal Church Women
Parish of the Holy Communion - Men's Group
Rodney H. Parsons
George Pettus
Lisa Pettus
Midge Presnell
W.T. Ragland, Jr.
Randall Renegar
Gary Roath
Susan Roath
Raymond and Pamela Russo Family Foundation
Marilyn Saarinen
Martin Saarinen
Randall Sayre
Barbara Sears
Scott Sears
Margaret Sears
Jean Sherrill
Susanne Short
William Short
Sondra D. Sigmon
Sam Simmons
Carol Skroch
Walt Skroch
Charlene Smith
Douglas Smith
Todd E. Smith
Smoky Mountain Barbecue
John Smyre
Lucy Smyre
Lawrence Sorkin
Benny Stanley
Brooke Stanley
Jack Suddreth
Norma Suddreth
Bonnie Supin
Charles Supin
Babs Sutton
Bob Sutton
Mark Wahl
Visit NC Concierge LLC
Regina Wahl
Sara Wallace
Dr. N.E. Watson, Jr.
Sara Watson
Ms. Jerry M. Wertz
JoAnn Woodie
Dick Workman
Linda Workman
Jane Workman
John Workman
Doug Worsham
Linda Worsham
Janice Mastorio Worth
All donations to help with our mission to protect and preserve the frescoes are appreciated. Contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law. For information about how you can help with contributions or services, please contact Ashe County Frescoes Foundation, P.O. Box 912, Jefferson, NC 28640.